About Flowering Plants Notes | Class 6 | Science | Chapter 9

About Flowering Plants

Class 6                                   Chapter 9 

Types of Plants

Herbs :- (one season or two seasons)

                Plants with soft green stem.                                     

                Annuals (one seasons) = Rice, Mustard, Sunflower

                Biennuuals (two seasons) = Radish, beet and carrot.

                Perennials (many years) = Canna

Creeper (flower), Climber (weak stem which can’t stand erect).


Shurbs :- (Medium size plants)

                Height = 8 or 9 feet, bushy

                China rose, Creape Jasmine (Chandni), Henna (Mehandi)

Trees :-

                Tall, Perennial plants with trunk (thick woody stem)

                Ex.- Mango, Kikar


Parts of Plant

1.       Shoot:- The part above the ground, consisting of the stem, leaves, flowers and fruits.

2.       Root :- Parts below the ground.

                Types of root :-

                   Fibrous Root :- Thin fiber like rots coming out of base of stem.

                                Ex.- Grass

                    Tap Root :- Main root  growing from base to stem (Branching roots)


Function of Root :-

                                i.            Fixing the plant

                               ii.            Absorb water and minerals

                             iii.            Protect soil

                             iv.            Store food (Carrot, Radish, Turnip)

Prop Root :- Rope like growth hanging from the branch of a banyan tree.

Usage :- Support the branches

Indian Botanical Garden near Kolkata is famous for a huge banyan tree that has more than 900 prop roots.

Stilt Roots :- When maze, sugar cane plant grow tall, the lower part of the stem produces root called stilt roots.

Usage:- Support and prevent from tilting.

Climbing Root :- Plant like betal and money plant produce climbing roots which hold firm to a support and help the plant climb.

 Science Notes Class 6

1. Matter and it's Nature

2. Food

3. Classification of Material

4. Clothes and Fibre 

5. Separation of Substances

6. Study Of Changes

3.       The Stem :-

Nodes :- A point where leaves grow.

Internode :- The portion of the stem between any two node.

Axil :- The smallest angle between the stalk of a leaf and the stem (at the node).

Axillary bud :- Branches grow buds at the axils are called  axillary buds.

Aical buds :- Bud at the tip of the stem or its branches. (apical means at apex)

Floral buds :- Buds which grow into flowers.

Bark :- Hard, Protective covering of trunks in a tree.

Tendrils:- The stem of climbers are modified into threadlike coiled growth called tendrils.

                          Function of stem

                                 i.            Hold the plant.

                               ii.            Spread out the branches & leaves. (sunlight)

                              iii.            Transporting water and food.

                             iv.            Store food.

Ex.- Potato, Onion, turmeric

                               v.            Tendrils (climbers)

                             vi.            Manufacture food and store water (cactus)

4.       The Leaf :-

Parts of Leaf :-

                                                         i.            Lamina

                                                       ii.            Petiole

                                                      iii.            Leaf Base

                                                     iv.            Mid Rib

                                                       v.            Vein

Venation :-

Ø  Parallel Venation :- When veins run parallel to each other . Ex.- Grass, Bamboo

Ø  Reticulate Venation :- Veins from a network across the leaf. Ex.- Mango, Peepal

Simple and Compound Leaves :-

      Compound :- The leaf blades is divided into leaflets.

      Ex.- Neem, Chui-Mui

Simple :- When a leaf blade, has a single leaf blade.

      Ex.- Banyan, Peepal

A bud is present in the axil of a simple or compound leaf, but not the axil of a leaflet.

Arrangement of leaves

      Alternate :-  If each node bears only one leaf and successive leaves are on alternate sides of the stem.

      Opposite :- If two leaves grow on opposite sides of each node.

      Whorled (meaning ring) :- Many leaves grow from each node.

The main function of leaf is to make food (glucose). Chlorophyll traps sunlight


Carbon-dioxide (CO2 ) + Water (H2O )  glucose (C6H12O6 ) + oxygen (O2 )

History Notes Class 6

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2. Early Human - I

3. Early Human - II

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Function of leaves

                                                         i.            Manufacture food

                                                       ii.            Interchanging gases with the air

                                                      iii.            Throwing out water

Other function of leaves :-

§  Provide support :- tendrils

§  Defend :- Spines

§  Store food :- Indian aloe, bryophyllum, spinach

§  Hunt :- Sundew, Pitcher plant

5.       The flower  

Oliender (Kanar) don’t have smell/fragrant.

Parts of Flower

ü  Pedicel

ü  Thalamus

ü  Sepals

ü  Stamens

ü  Filament

ü  Anther

ü  Pollen

ü  Carpel

ü  Pistil

ü  Ovary

ü  Style

ü  Stigma

ü  Ovules



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